Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Artists: How To Join The Bollotta Entertainment Roster

Bollotta Entertainment has a roster of talented artists that possess an extensive professional and education history that shines at every performance. Our clients range from private party hosts to full scale corporate productions for large audiences who all demand high quality performers who deliver a stellar performance every time.

To provide our clients the best entertainers, Bollotta Entertaiment uses a stringent quarterly review process of potential artists. To be considered, Artists must include the following information with their submission:

Contact Information:
Contact Name and/or Booking Agent, Contact Number(s), Email Address(es)
Agent Friendly Website (website without contact information that clients our can view)
Other contact information

Biographical Information:
Performance history, educational background, credit list, and other interesting information regarding your performance history

Performance rates per hour by piece
Travel fees

Rider Requirements & Artist Provisions:
Specific rider information or special items you might need to perform and/or feel comfortable at the venue. Additionally, any materials or additional services you may provide for or during your performance.

Promotional Items:
Head shots, images, docs, media in electronic format, DVDs and/or mpeg/.mov of performance material, Audio disks and/or mp3s

Email all submissions to Leslie@Bollotta.com