(Chula Vista Vocal Synergy Choir)
Music is the universal language. It crosses international boarders and brings people together in a way that no other medium can. It also can inspire, console, even uplift us. And what’s more… it’s contagious…. And in such, goes a long way in setting the tone of an event, as well as making it memorable.
At Bollotta Entertainment, music is our specialty. We offer all formats, from dance bands to soloists, and all styles, from Middle Eastern to Surf Rock. But in the spotlight this quarter are three performance entities that take music to an even higher level.

The perfect selection for entertainment during dinner or throughout a recognition event, or even before a general session, both Vocal Synergy and S I N G are upbeat, engaging and offer a lot of bang for the buck!
Then, before moving on, he offers the group a song based on their answers to his questions and the conversation in general. Before the evening is over, Kim steps to the stage, where he offers the entire group a custom song, composed exclusively for them. Clever, witty, and extremely engaging, Kim never ceases to amaze an audience with his deft songwriting and performance skills.